New DONATION Version Testing

Hello again DONATION users. Sorry to be writing to you again so soon.

I have a new beta test (pre-test) version of DONATION ready to go. It was created with a newer version of PowerBuilder, which is the program we use to create DONATION. While Kwame and I have already tested it on a few computers, to make sure everything seems to work, we would really appreciate it if a few of you could give it a quick test as well.

As always, if you encounter any problems, we will fix them ASAP!

To test it, go to, and download and install your current version (which you can check with the Help -> About DONATION menu option in the program, if you aren’t sure) on top of what you have now.

Please let us know if you have done this, and whether you encountered any issues as you try out the new version. You can get back to us by email, or as a comment to this blog post.

Many thanks.